Monday, September 8, 2008

Accountability Agreement

Focus: What do you want to accomplish in this class or during this year?
1. I plan to pass this course.
2. Receive a greater understanding of literature.
3. I plan to achieve my best mark in a university English course of all my years spent in high school.

Contributions: What contributions will you make to this class or to the school this year?
1. I will contribute to class discussion.
2. I’ll add a lil’ flava to the class room.
3. I will help class mates to the best of my limited abilities.

Accountabilities: For what will you be held responsible?
1. I will be held responsible for completing and handing in assignments.
2. I will be held responsible for arriving to class on time to the best of my ability.
3. I will be held responsible for being a respectable student.
4. I will be held responsible for the inappropriate actions I commit in class.

Supports: What help, and from whom, will you need in order to achieve your accountabilities?
1. Mr. Paul Murray.
2. Buddah.
3. God.
4. Jezuz.

Measurements: How will you know what success looks like?
1. When I see that I have been accepted to university.
2. When I see that my final grade is what I expected or higher.
3. When I receive compliments from other students or from the instructor.
4. When I find myself understanding concepts easier and able to apply myself more efficiently.

Consequences: How should you be rewarded if you succeed? How should you be punished?
1. A cold refreshing Bud. (Rewards)
2. A day of relaxation. (Rewards)
3. Removal of certain privileges. (Punishment)
4. A spank on the bottom. (Punishment) slight reward ; )

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