Monday, January 19, 2009

hamlet activity 1.2

There are two main family units in the Shakespearean play Hamlet, those being Hamlet’s family and Polonius’s family.

Hamlets family consists of Old Hamlet (deceased), Gertrude (Hamlets mother) and Claudius (Hamlet’s Uncle). Within the Hamlet family there is the crisis that exists within the family which is the murder of Old Hamlet. After the death of Old Hamlet, Claudius marries Gertrude, which causes Hamlet to feel a lack of love between his deceased father and Gertrude. Hamlet then seeks revenge and plots the murder of his uncle, Claudius. And he succeeds by poisoning Claudius with the very drink Claudius tried to poison Hamlet with.

From the point of view of Claudius, he sees Hamlet as the only thing standing in his way of being king. So he tries to get Hamlet killed. He doesn’t succeed with his plan of poisoning him, but Hamlet does die in the end.

In Polonius’s family, there exists the crisis that involves Hamlet being in love with Ophelia. Both Polonius and Laertes do not want Ophelia with Hamlet, so, Polonius informs Ophelia that she cannot see Hamlet any more. Hamlet kills Polonius which causes Laertes to seek revenge. Hamlet gets sent away, Ophelia goes insane, and Laertes plots revenge with Claudius to kill Hamlet.

In the end, they are all dead. They all got their revenge I suppose.

A stereotypical nuclear family is one that consists of a mother, a father and children. Hamlets family is a nuclear family before Old Hamlet’s murder and Claudius takes the throne. Polonius’s family could be considered a nuclear family if there was a mother described in the play. Because of a lack of mother/wife in Polonius’s family they cannot be considered a nuclear family although they are close.



On December 15th at Rockland district High School a debate took place between to two teams to argue if Gertrude had betrayed bother her husband and son. The debate lasted approximately one hour in length. The affirmative debaters were Adam Young, Mathew Brown and Stuart Gendron and the opposing side was Jon Khatib, Tyler Keith and Alex van der Mout. The judges of the debate, Stephanie Wilson, Jayme Bedell, and Megan Marshall, had a fun set up for attacking the opposing team by making them literally attack each other, with lightsabers.

The debate began with Adam stating a simple definition of “betrayal” and demonstrated that Gertrude fit ever description within the definition. And the rest of the affirmative team added more and more events in which Gertrude had shown the different points in which she had shown a neglect towards Hamlet and his problems. The negative side countered with numerous back up using the ghost in the play.

There was numerous points during the debate in which the audience was amused and broke out in laugher due to the comments made by Stuart and Jon throughout the debate. Stuart had made statements like, “Maybe she’s not the queen of Denmark, and she’s just the queen of Whoreville?”, “I think the ghost is full of shit!”, and he made a bold statement to start a lightsaber fight with Jon by calling his mother a prostitute.
Sadly the affirmative had lost the debate by a hair, but Stuart’s comments will be remembered by many of the audience members.

debate things.

Debate #2
On December 11th at Rockland district High School a debate took place between to two teams to argue if Hamlet is unstable thus not held responsible for his actions. The debate was roughly one hour starting at approximately 8:30 am. The affirmative team consisted of Mary Collins, Ilayda Williamson and Michaela Blaser and the opposing team consisted of Kelsey Campbell, Melissa Watson and Jessica Barton. The judges were Nick Leblond, Yanick Lee and Jennifer Ross.

The debate kicked off with an introduction argument for the affirmative with detailed information on what it really means to be insane or mentally unstable and all the characteristics that are expressed by someone with those issues. Hamlet according to their analysis Hamlet exhibited a variety of those characteristics. The opposing team countered with the argument that hamlet is only showing signs of grieving for his deceased father. They argued that hamlet was not insane more confused and only required time as a cure.
Throughout the debate, the affirmative side was using more medical evidence to attempt to prove that hamlet was clinically insane, where the opposing side was using their knowledge of Hamlet and the story to counter their arguments. The free for all portion of the debate was where lots of yelling took place but it was short lived. The crowd out of boredom decided it would be best to entertain themselves by doing ‘the wave’.
The debate concluded with the affirmative using their last resort, Shakespearean insults. This was less than effective resulting the end of the debate.